Working against the natural cycle: In the long run, it's like sleeping during the day. And being productive at night. How good is that for the team?
Motivation and performance suffer.
This study* shows:
80% of their employees report
a loss of productivity during menstruation.
You know this:
Many projects run by themselves.
Without interruptions and errors.
Your team is motivated.
Then there are days with a tense atmosphere.
Employees react surprisingly sensitive.
Everything moves more slowly.
We know why!
Education about the cycle and the hormones involved helps. That's exactly what Work Your Power does.
We optimize your productivity.
You can plan specifically. Achieve perfect results.
Reduce stress among your employees.
*Source: Schoep ME, Adang EMM, Maas JWM, et al Productivity loss due to menstruation-related symptoms:
a nationwide cross-sectional survey among 32 748 women, BMJ Open 2019
Study*: 98% of their employees suffer from menstrual cramps. 80%* give a false reason for discomfort to their employers.
Why: We have grown up believing that the menstruation is a curse. That people with cycles* are weak.
Proper cycle management proves exactly the opposite. Let's put an end to these false beliefs.
Talk about it actively and courageously in your company.
We’ll support you in this.
Vertrauen Sie diesen Studien.
Trust these studies. We do. Trust us.
Only the man is studied: Only a few medical students learn that womens health is different to mens.
UK Chelsea football team train according to the cycle and show more success:
NASA, who wanted to send Sally Ride into space in 1983 and took the cycle into account:
Performance monitoring and when we need more reward. What feedback is important in which phase:
Women's brains change in sync with hormones:
How sex hormones affect brain and behaviour:
Female cycle influences learning behaviour:
How oestrogen affects emotions:
The cyclical brain: Menstrual cycle-related fluctuations:
Relationship between the cycle and the immune system:
*Source: 1: Umfrage unter 2.000 Frauen, Erdbeerwoche, 2020
2: Schoep ME, Adang EMM, Maas JWM, et al Productivity loss due to menstruation-related symptoms:
a nationwide cross-sectional survey among 32 748 women, BMJ Open 2019